
Monday, April 26, 2010

Things are going good in the Olmstead family!  I have had the last four days off, which has been really nice!  I am so grateful for Stephen.  He understands how important it is for me to be a stay-at-home mom, and even though we can’t afford for me to not work at all, I am able to work just part-time so that I can still spend the majority of my week home with Christopher. =)

Stephen and I are going through a phase right now.  Nothing bad - our marriage is GREAT - but just with life in general.  We are just kind of in a rut that we are really ready to get OUT of.  We’re hoping that after I finish my degree THIS FALL at Henderson, we can move somewhere where I can get a good job and Stephen can finish his degree as well.  We’re not positive, but we’re thinking the Fort Smith or NWA area.  We’re ready for a little “upgrade.”  I’m excited about it and also SO impatient.  I would love to take a summer class, just to get the ball ROLLIN!

Christopher is crawling like crazy, plus he pulls himself up to standing all the time now! On the coffee table, a box of diapers, his crib. He pulls himself up when he wakes up in the mornings, or when he wakes up from his nap, or at 4am when he just randomly wakes up… I guess he thinks he is just supposed to stand up.  Hmm, not that early!  Ha!  We just lay him back down and he goes back to sleep.  Silly kid.  He also waves bye-bye now.  =)  He is too cute for words!

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1 comment:

  1. He IS too cute for words! He's a great little snuggler! :)


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