
Monday, April 19, 2010

Christopher Tyler - 8 months!!

Believe it or not - Christopher turned 8  months old YESTERDAY.  Time is seriously flying by. It seriously feels like I’ve just blinked, and so much has happened in just the last week alone - not to mention the last 8 months.
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Christopher can now CRAWL! I started officially counting it as crawling last Tuesday, April 14th. He had been able to “skooch” himself pretty much anywhere he wanted to go, and would get himself in the crawling position, but wouldn’t actually go anywhere.  Well, last Tuesday he took his first couple of “steps” crawling, and he hasn’t quit moving ever since!  He is SO mobile!  He is so cute to watch, and he gets so excited crawling around, he makes the cutest little noises. I have a video of it that I’ll have to share soon.
So -- Christopher…at 8 months old ….
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--you are wearing a size 4 diaper
--you are wearing 12 month clothes (and even some 18 month rompers!)
--you have the TWO most adorable little bottom teeth! I was kind of sad to see your sweet gummy smile go last month… but it is so cute now too!
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--you still say “da-da-da-da” and NOT “ma-ma-ma-ma.”  =(
--you are getting more interested in Baxter and other animals.  Baxter likes you, but doesn’t necessarily like the interest you’ve taken in him. It could have something to do with pulling his hair… which we’re working on. ;)  You REALLY like cats! But your Daddy is allergic (and who knows - you may be too!) so no cats for us!
--you LOVE your “snacks.”  You’ve tried Banana, Sweet Potato, and Strawberry flavored “Puffs” snacks, yogurt melts, and some cheese-flavored crisp type thing that kind of reminds me of a puffy cheetoh!  You get so excited when we put you in your high chair and break out a can of snack food.
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--you also love your baby food (you still love everything you’ve tried -- and you’ve tried LOTS!) and your bottle.
--as of today, you are no longer in your “baby carseat.”  This makes me a little sad.  BUT, I also know you are going to be SO much happier in your big-boy carseat and have so much more room! (I am dreading this spring and having to put you in your carseat while it’s raining outside.  OH, what I would do for a garage, or even a covered area for my car!)
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--you still take two naps a day, and sleep all through the night. You usually go to sleep around 8pm and sleep until 8:30am. (A few days ago you slept till 9:30, but this morning you were up at 7:45. Eck!)
--you love to hold onto my fingers and walk around.  You will walk to wherever you want to go, then sit down! You usually walk to your toy box and then sit and play with your toys for a long time! Well, you used to. Now you just crawl away whenever you get a little bored!
--you’ve pulled up to standing once, at your Granny’s  house.  I think you might be an early walker!
You are the light of my life and I love you more than words can say, Christopher Tyler Olmstead!
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1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures. We enjoyed getting to spend some time with
    Christopher last Saturday.

    An Arkies Musings


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